My Blog List


Blog #16 (Wrap Up of Year)

Blog #16 Reflect on your semester and year in biology What were your successes? What were your failures?
What did you learn that you will never forget?
I believe that my successes in this semester were the Online Quizzes and the Blogs. I was able to keep up on this and this was one of the bigger percentages of my grade. 
I also think that the Projects of this year we successful for me, they we very educational and I enjoyed doing all of them.
My Failure of this year was my notebook. I had a hard time keeping up with all of the book work and vocabulary that was necessary to get a good grade on my notebook.
Things that I learned this year that I will never forget (especially in other classes) is to write everything that I have done in the class day, and to write all assignments,projects,etc. that are due in the week. If I would have done that this year I probably would have had more success in your class because I would have been more aware of the work due for my notebook.

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